Personal, One on One Coaching

I work personally with you, one on one, to help you reach your vision of your optimal business. Have you ever bought an online course or attended a presentation, got home, read through the documents you were given and then either didn’t start, persist or finish it, or thought “I already know this, but how do I implement it?”   Left on our own, we generally don’t follow through on these things or get stuck and don’t know who to turn to. With me, it’s one on one, talking to each other, hands-on help to on the 'how' to implement and get it done.

We will establish a strategy together, set some goals and identify milestones along the way.  Coaching session rhythm is established up front, generally every 2 weeks or once a month, with action plans and expectations identified.  Sessions are either in person or online.  Depending on the type of business, having me at your place of business to see how it operates can be beneficial.   

Accountability is also a key element in the process - doing what we say we will do, when we say it will be done by.  

If you have a drive to grow your business, increase profits (and keep more money), have more time or reduce the stress of getting your team aligned, then following a proven, successful framework will get you there.  I anchor on a framework of 3 key platforms - they may sound simple, yet if not implemented correctly, in the right order or fully, will impact your ability to achieve what you set out for. If you create value through delivering in-demand products and services, at the right price, to your ideal customers and backed by a dedicated team, your business will grow, and profits will rise.

If this sounds like what you want for your business, let’s talk and see what is possible.


Focused group sessions on different business disciplines, or business principles.  Everyone gets the same messaging, same teaching, engaging in the same conversation.  These can be generic topics or specific on principles related to how to improve the business.  Topics are varied but can include, but not be limited to: